Friday, 27 August 2010

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Which Nursing Area Suit You The Best?

Salam kawan2..

Here is a personality test to see which area of nursing you may fit in with the best. It is 130 questions but it goes pretty quickly. They will ask you the same question multiple times which is normal.

or you can also try this personality or career test

Don't forget to share ur result...

Friday, 20 August 2010

Mid Term Examination Schedule

21/08/10   : Health Economics

23/08/10    : Critical Care Nursing

24/08/10   : Issues in Nursing

25/08/10   : Oncology Nursing

26/08/10   : Nursing Management and Organization

01/09/10   : Research Methodology

Best of luck to all..semoga Allah memberkati ilmu yang kita pelajari..

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Onco presentation

Present onco xjadi pd mgu dpn sbb ada exam.tarikh baru akn dberitahu

Sunday, 15 August 2010

presentation quali

insylh esk sapa trlibat dlm quali prof maung akan present.10min each.esk jg hantar sume softcopy prof n dr laith.please remind others.tq

ramadhan kareem

Abu Hurairah r.a berkata bahawa Nabi SAW bersabda:

Barangsiapa yg berpuasa pada bulan Ramadhan dgn iman dan mengharapkan pahala dari Allah, ia akan diampuni dosa-dosanya yg telah lalu (HR Imam Bukhari)

Friday, 13 August 2010

health eco class

sprti sedia mklum, kita akn posting lpas raya, so mgkin xsempt habiskn class health eco.jd menurut dr azlina, mgkn kt akan tambah masa pd class2 sblm cuti raya ni.jd sblm cuti mgkn dah hbs syllbus.juz 4 your info.kalu ada update ttg perkara ni, insylh akn di umumkn nti.

Saturday, 7 August 2010

Pembetulan tarikh mnghantar asgmnt 4113 (compare 2 journals)

Unlike stated in the list of assgmnt distributed before, the real date 2 send this assgmnt is @ 18 August. Please take note.tq

e-mel sis.Rubbya

i receive this e-mel a few days after the 'eventful' event in the class. i thought everyone received it through their e-mel, so i just ignore.recently i discover she just sent it to a few people, thus now i would like 2 display it here.what she said in this e-mel may be true or not, but what's more important,we improve our self,since we're also hv done wrong, and of course, we're not troublemakers,we're just different.....

Your class has a lot of potential good leaders of the future.

Now you're all at 4th year, do role model to the juniors how to respect others by respecting self, rules, and regulations, as Profesionals Muslim Nurses of the future. Only honest, ethical, sincere, policy, rules, law abiding, promise-keeping, and and knowledgeable people can become true good leaders.

As your class is very big in number, IIUM KoN depends greatly on your positive behaviour in excelling yourself as IIUM KoN graduates to lead nursing and other disciplines Islamically in Malaysia and abroad in coming ten to 15 years from now.

Therefore, start today, the mission Allah has bestowd upon you all as a TRUTH MUSLIM leading the way for the UMMAH like our IIUM song.


So,what's your opinion?

Monday, 2 August 2010

List Research Topic

kwn2 tlg listkan tajuk research yg dah di approve oleh sprvsors anda.kpd ssiapa yg blum dpt approval,letakla tajuk yg anda sdg working on right that xde la yg sama...tq

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Semoga Allah mempermudahkan setiap urusan kita semua..